Nobel Laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart becomes a Patron of Open Data Fit and

It is our great priviledge to announce that Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, has kindly agreed to become officially a Patron of the Open Data Fit Project ( and the website In doing so, he expressed his strong support for the mission of the project: provide the global research community with Open Access tools and information to collect, fit (model) and store data relating to scientific experiments, particularly in fields relating to biomedical research, chemistry and bio-nano science and technology.

In taking on this role Sir Stoddart also said that "I cannot emphasize strongly enough the need for the Scientific Community to be able to access research data and quality data analysis tools in a transparent fashion." For full details you can read his letter here.

The Open Data Fit and Supramolecular Team is immersily grateful and proud to have the support of Sir Fraser and we are confident that this will accellate our work towards expanding the capabilities and reach of this project.

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